FinZor Payment Services

Accept online payments
securely with Finzor

Worldwide secure and reliable solutions

Online Acquiring

Online card acceptance allows businesses to securely accept electronic payments from customers who make purchases online, using credit or debit cards. This payment processing solution helps improve customer satisfaction and retention rates, leading to increased sales and revenue for businesses.

Finzor Payment features

Payment Schemes

We accept all major payment schemes, including the most popular payment systems. By accepting a variety of payment methods, we help businesses to expand their customer base and increase revenue.

Coverage Geography

We provides worldwide coverage, enabling businesses to accept payments from customers anywhere in the world. With our global reach, businesses can expand into new markets and reach new customers.

Settlement Currencies

Finzor provides efficient acquiring settlements in various currencies, including USD, EUR, GBP, and AED, offering flexibility and convenience to cater to diverse business needs worldwide.

Payment Link

With our payment link feature, businesses can easily create a link to send to customers for payment. This makes it easy for businesses to request payment from customers who are not physically present and eliminates the need for manual invoicing.

One-Click Payment

Our one-click payment feature enables customers to complete transactions with just one click, making the payment process fast and easy. This feature reduces cart abandonment rates and improves the overall customer experience.


Our payment system allows customers to pay using electronic version of a traditional paper check. Customers can provide their bank account and routing information to pay electronically, eliminating the need for physical checks to be mailed. This payment method is secure and can be more efficient than mailing a check.

Processing currencies

With Finzor, enjoy global reach with over 100+ processing currencies supported. Tailor your business to your customer's preferences, enhance your market presence, and ease transactions, all while mitigating exchange rate risks. Experience truly international commerce with Finzor's diverse currency processing capabilities.


FInzor payment option allows to get a quick and secure money transfer from merchant to customers' or partners' bank cards, providing a hassle-free payout experience. his option is ideal for businesses that need to make payments to individuals, such as commissions or winnings, or for businesses that offer payouts as part of their services.

Mobile SDK

Mobile SDK from Finzor is a suite of tools tailored for businesses to integrate secure, efficient, and user-friendly payment processing capabilities directly into their mobile applications.

Recurring Billing

Recurring billing is an automated payment processing solution for customers who need to make regular payments. Businesses that offer subscription-based services or products can benefit from this service, as it allows them to bill customers at a set interval. Recurring billing helps businesses manage cash flow and reduces the risk of missed payments, while providing a hassle-free payment option for customers.

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